Saturday, April 28, 2007

Breaking "News"

Starting many years ago at the top of each hour I'd flick on the radio to pick up the top news stories. The all-news station and the talk-radio station both go to the networks for a few minutes.

But this morning, right after a national report about a huge car bombing in Iraq, the local station began a story about the Golden State Warriors who are in the playoffs. A few games have been played, but I don't know the results. Apparently, though, fan fever is high in the Bay Area, and the news editor felt that covering the Warriors was as important as news about the President's position on the Iraq war or immigration or...

Angrily, I thrust my hand toward the radio's off button. With my 65th birthday approaching, I wasn't expecting much from my antique reflexes. But my hand flew like lightning. Amazingly, I silencing the radio before I could hear a single fact about the Warriors.

I've already learned to avoid sports reports which on the all-news station come at 15 minutes after and before the hour.
Now I wonder if I must cease listening to the top-of-the-hour news reports. Maybe it's OK to abandon radio altogether. I need to think about it.

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