Sunday, June 17, 2007

Is Reading Spectating?

My major objection to spectator sports is its passivity. While the players play, the spectators are limited to watching, commenting, and...eating. Now, finally, I'm interested in being as active as the players. When it comes to athletics, I want to bike, swim, kick, throw, catch, and just generally put myself on the line.

But this brings up a question: Is reading to living as spectating is to playing? For example, last week I read John Le Carre's first novel, CALL FOR THE DEAD. In it, master spy George Smiley engages in a wide variety of actions: observing, planning, arguing, drinking, and even physical fighting. All the while, I lay on my back reading about George. I found myself wishing that I were a spy, but I wasn't doing anything remotely close to spying.

If the analogy holds--if reading is as passive as watching sports--perhaps I should give up reading and start living.

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