Monday, July 2, 2007

Sound of Temptation

Yesterday, I walked passed a parked car whose radio was tuned to a baseball game. I didn't hear any details. But ust the rhythm of the sportcaster's voice and the ambience of the crowd gave me a warm feeling. Instantly, I was transported to summer afternoons, long ago, in Cleveland, when we lazed about in the backyard or on the front porch, listening to the Indians broadcast.

I don't remember much about my life then, but I do remember that the main sponsor was a beer called Erin Brew. I didn't like beer then, but I liked the commercials and the patter.

So yesterday, for a moment, I felt like drawing close to the car and taking in a "whiff" of the game. The hunger for a bit of nostalgia was strong. But then I realized what I was doing, seeking a quick spectator fix.

I turned and walked away. Close call.

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