Monday, May 21, 2007

Sports Fantasy

I once read that--just before falling asleep--many guys imagine themselves making a big play in a sporting competition: hitting a homer, shooting the winning basket, blocking the puck as time runs out.

In truth, I don't know if guys--or women--do this. I'd be too embarrassed to ask. But I will confess that I used to invent such fantasies myself. Much more interesting than counting sheep.

Reflexively, the other night I put myself into one of those situations. I believe I was trying to strike out a hitter and win the game. Then I caught myself. Was I rolling out the mental movie simply to get a quick fix? Was it the same thing as watching a real athletic competition?

As I think I've said in an earlier post, I'm not against participating in sports, but only watching sports to get a vicarious thrill. Did "watching" myself hurl 95 mph fastballs fall into the spectator category?

I could argue it either way. But to error on the side of safety, I stopped the fantasy. I did have other options besides the sports scenario, but I don't feel it's appropriate to discuss them here in this G-rated blog.

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